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By misusing statistics, the government claims that racial disparities are always caused by racial discrimination and that these disparities can only be rectified by...
The gold standard hampers the growth of government power, which helps people more effectively fight bad policy.
Now threatening citizens for what they post online, one would hardly believe that England had once possessed a hard-won tradition of limited government and...
Bob discusses common talking points that pro-free-trade economists often use when making the case against tariffs.
Employing the Labor Theory of Value, Marx claimed that entrepreneurial profits arise from exploitation of workers. In reality, entrepreneurs earn profits when they correctly...
As American culture becomes dominated by militant feminism, a new voting group of dissenters is arising: young male voters. These are young men that...
In its so-called war against “hate,” the state determines who are the villains and then instructs everyone else to hate the “haters.” As one...