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Editor's Pick

Why don’t Austrian economists talk about trends?

Editor's Pick

Why don’t Austrian economists talk about trends?

Editor's Pick

Walter Olson If you expected a second Trump term to usher in some sort of new era of free speech, you might by now...

Editor's Pick

Jeffrey Miron On January 12, California Governor Gavin Newson signed an executive order waiving permitting requirements for homeowners and businesses affected by the fires...

Editor's Pick

California politicians are in a state of denial as deadly wildfires burn out of control throughout the state, the latest being in Los Angeles....

Editor's Pick

Making it harder to do business with Americans is not the way to help domestic workers, small businesses, and everyone else in middle America...

Editor's Pick

Protectionist tariff taxes are nothing more than a price-fixing conspiracy orchestrated by the state that enriches a relatively small group of politically connected corporations.